TN: Cali, Burg, Loire, and Bierzo
On Thursday, February 28, 2013 1:05:09 PM UTC-5, James Silverton wrote:
> Dale, I wonder if you have a recipe for your red cabbage in wine? It
> sounds interesting.
It's from Bittman's Everything cookbook
Braised Cabbage with Wine and Nutmeg (from “How to Cook Everything” by Mark Bittman)
2 tablespoons olive oil or butter
1 head cabbage, preferably Savoy, about 1 ½ pounds, cored and shredded
Salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste
½ cup white wine
1 teaspoon brown sugar
¼ teaspoon freshly grated nutmeg
Place the olive oil or butter in a large, deep skillet that can later be covered, over medium heat. Add the cabbage and stir until it begins to brown, about 5 minutes.
Add salt and pepper, then the wine; let the wine bubble away for a few moments, then add the sugar and nutmeg. Cover and simmer until tender, about 15 minutes. Check the seasoning and serve.
I left out the brown sugar (and used red not Savoy, was in "empty the fridge" mode