"Ken Blake" > wrote in message
> In ,
> Keith > typed:
> > Came across this yesterday:
> http://www.sushi.infogate.de/index.shtml
> > Probably has been mentioned here before, but they allow folks
> to post
> > reviews of sushi restaurants and you can search by city. Looked
> up
> > some I go to here in Houston, and found a couple I haven't
> heard of.
> I've seen this before, but I continue to be unimpressed by it.
> Here in Tucson, AZ, we have well over a dozen sushi bars and they
> list only three. And it's not even the best three.
> Maybe it's more useful in other cities, but it isn't much use
> here.
> --
> Ken Blake
> Please reply to the newsgroup
Same for Colorado