Thread: Anheuser-Busch
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Bryan[_6_] Bryan[_6_] is offline
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Default Anheuser-Busch

On Friday, March 1, 2013 1:03:44 PM UTC-6, bigwheel wrote:
> Not sure why anybody would want to look at nekked Okies.

It's not about *looking at*. Nudism is not about exhibitionism nor voyeurism.
I'm curious. If you were alone, out in the forest next to a creek, and you
were certain that no one would wander into your area, would you wear clothes?
Would you put on swimming trunks to take a swim in the creek? What if you
were out there with a wife/girlfriend/lover? Would you only get naked to
have sex, then put clothes back on? What about if it were a nuclear family
situation? A lot of folks are clothing optional around the house. What
about friends? Some folks suggested that Mr. Kuthe and I would not have been
nude when we were taking a swim or sunbathing when we were on a gravel bar
where we got out of our kayaks unless there was a sexual component. That's
stupid. If either of us thought that it was a prurient thing, we'd have
kept our shorts on. What about around strangers who are also nude?

I don't know the exact quote, but a wise person said that when you are young,
you are concerned with your appearance because you know that everyone is looking at you and judging your appearance. When you get older, you still
think that, but you don't care so much about it. Eventually you get old,
and finally realize that folks ever really weren't looking anyway.

Gary correctly characterized me as a "sex-crazed punk rocker," but a nudist
camp desexualizes social interaction. It really does. I know that seems
counter-intuitive, but it's true. Being nude outdoors *is* a very sensual
experience, but that's true whether or not one is with other people. You
feel free physically. The next time it is reasonably warm on my weekend
(Wed. & Thurs.), I plan on going out into the wilderness, probably alone,
but my nephew might go along. If it's warm enough, I will definitely take
*all* of my clothes off other than shoes.

> bigwheel
