brussels sprouts
"sf" > wrote in message
> It says here that almost one in four people taste bitterness in
> brussels sprouts, so I guess it's them and not the sprouts that are to
> blame. So, beet, cilantro and now brussels sprouts people. It's you,
> not the plant, so stop it already. The rest of us will continue to
> enjoy them.
> <>
> --
> Food is an important part of a balanced diet.
There are three cooked foods that taste totally vile to me. Okay I'm sure
there are more but of the vegetables it would be broccoli, Brussels sprouts
and asparagus. I am not overly fond of cooked cabbage or cauliflower either
and can't bring myself to eat more than a bite or two. Those things do not
taste bitter to me though. Just really, bad. I can eat broccoli raw. I
don't like it so much but it doesn't taste horrid that way. I LOVE cilantro
and beets though.