brussels sprouts
On Sat, 2 Mar 2013 00:54:18 -0800, "Julie Bove"
> wrote:
>spamtrap1888 wrote:
>> On Mar 1, 9:31 pm, "Julie Bove" > wrote:
>>> "sf" > wrote in message
>>> ...
>>>> It says here that almost one in four people taste bitterness in
>>>> brussels sprouts, so I guess it's them and not the sprouts that are
>>>> to blame. So, beet, cilantro and now brussels sprouts people. It's
>>>> you, not the plant, so stop it already. The rest of us will
>>>> continue to enjoy them.
>>>> <>
>>>> --
>>>> Food is an important part of a balanced diet.
>>> There are three cooked foods that taste totally vile to me. Okay I'm
>>> sure there are more but of the vegetables it would be broccoli,
>>> Brussels sprouts and asparagus. I am not overly fond of cooked
>>> cabbage or cauliflower either and can't bring myself to eat more
>>> than a bite or two. Those things do not taste bitter to me though.
>>> Just really, bad. I can eat broccoli raw. I don't like it so much
>>> but it doesn't taste horrid that way. I LOVE cilantro and beets
>>> though.
>> To me broccoli, brussels sprouts and asparagus taste nasty only if
>> overcooked. I just cook them till they get that intense green color.
>> If you can eat broccoli raw, try cauliflower raw -- to me it's much
>> milder raw.
>Raw cauliflower is one of those things I can eat a piece or two of raw. But
>the taste is much stronger to me than raw broccoli. The only problem I have
>with those things now is that I don't digest them.
Raw cauliflower is excellent pickled/marinated, especially good in a
marinated bean salad. Also if one reads the ingredients list on some
brands of pickle relish it contains cauliflower, not cukes... I like
those with cauliflower better, less watery.