Best fruit
On Sat, 02 Mar 2013 18:00:55 -0500, Dave Smith
> wrote:
>On 02/03/2013 1:53 PM, James Silverton wrote:
>> On 3/2/2013 1:03 PM, Tara wrote:
>>> It's hard to beat a fresh, ripe Georgia peach. But what's better than
>>> icy cold watermelon in the summer? This Christmas, I had a box of
>>> tangelos from an FFA fund raiser that were amazing, so juicy and sweet.
>> Funny, I have appreciated most people's opinions about favorite fruit in
>> that those mentioned are good. Watermelon is about the only one that I
>> don't find interesting even if I am enthusiastic about other types of
>> melon when I can get them properly ripened.
>That a good way to put it. I don't mind a piece of nice ripe watermelon,
>but I rarely buy it. If it is on a fruit platter somewhere I will take
>piece and I will enjoy it, but I am not likely to buy a whole one. I
>have in the past bought a half a watermelon and made a sherbet.
>Watermelon sherbet rules, but they don't sell it in store around here
>anymore. ;-(
I buy a couple three of those fridge sized watermelons each summer but
they are not properly ripened before harvested. This year I am going
to attempt growing my own watermelons, and cantaloupes. I grew
cantaloups last year and now I am spoiled, no store bought compares to
home grown cantaloupe. I will probably never buy a cantaloupe again.
I am going to look for honeydew seeds too. The comparison to vine
ripened cantaloupe to store bought is the same as with tomatoes.