On 3/3/2013 3:33 PM, pltrgyst wrote:
> On 3/3/13 8:17 AM, James Silverton wrote:
>> Those who like Bud might enjoy the full page ad in today's Washington
>> Post where Anheuser-Busch touts the "71 million" cans of water they
>> have donated to the Red Cross. There is a picture of a can marked "Pure
>> drinking water" and "Anheuser-Busch". Could they not just as well have
>> sent their normal product?
> I love people who make fun of Anheuser-Busch and then go back to
> drinking their beloved Corona, Stella Artois, Beck's, Brahma, Alexander
> Keith's, Leffe, Hoegaarden, Spaten, Hasseröder, Löwenbräu, Skol,
> Quilmes, Harbin, Cass, Jupiler and Presidente -- all of which are owned
> by Anheuser-Busch Inbev. 8
I can't say that I've tried all of those. Tho' Stella Artois is on a par
with Bud and Corona, Beck's and Lowenbrau are not far from it, IMHO. The
dark varieties of Lowenbrau and Beck's have some flavor. Hoegaarden is a
wheat beer but Blue Moon is cheaper and better.
Jim Silverton (Potomac, MD)
Extraneous "not" in Reply To.