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Kate Connally
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Default Martha Stewart as viewed from abroad

Kim wrote:
> I often wonder, as do my friends, why Americans look to someone like
> Martha Stewart to instruct them about lifestyle fashions and interior
> decorating.
> Has it ever dawned on this woman's devotees that she is purely and
> simply an entrepreneural businesswoman who has marketed herself very
> well? Now, I have no quarrel with this method of making money, but
> surely one would have to be very gullible to hang on her every word
> about what cushions are de rigeur, what dinner napkins to use when
> entertaining the Top Brass, and so on .....

Who she anyone "hangs on her every word"??? There may
be a few weirdos who do that but it seems to me that most
people just glean the things they like or are interested
in from all she offers. I like her show and she does many
things that I think are tasty (food) or attractive (decorating
ideas) but I certainly pick and choose according to my own
taste. Only nutcases slavishly follow any supposed trend-
setter. Most people make their own judgements about things.
(At least I sure hope so!)

As to those who hate her and think she's evil because
she does all these things on her show that most people
don't have the time or money to do - well, nobody is
forcing anyone to do any of this stuff. And if it makes
you feel inadequate because you aren't able to decorate
and entertain the way she "appears" to do on her show,
well then you just don't have a lot of self-confidence,
do you. I say, it's fun to watch and see a lot of interesting
ideas but you don't have to do it all. I hardly do any of
it but when she presents an idea that I find worthwhile
and suits my sensibilities and time/energy constraints
I will use it. The other stuff I just enjoy watching
or, if not I turn off the show, and let it go.

> That M.S. committed fraud and is now really having one big bitch about
> how petty people are about her conviction and sentence is very very
> funny. Now that her bubble has well and truly burst, how many people
> will return to kneel at the altar of her somewhat flimsy and overtly
> commercial propaganda about how you all should decorate your homes,
> select the towels, choose the dinner service, etc. etc.

I don't know why everyone is making such a big deal about
the whole thing. I guess people just like to see the
privileged brought low. I personally don't think what she
did was so bad. There have been lots worse things that
people have done that don't get nearly the play this did.
I tend to believe that she was not totally aware that
what she did was wrong. I may be wrong about that but
that's what I believe. Sure, in some ways she is very
savvy, but I also believe her to be somewhat naive in some

At least she didn't steal from her employees pension plans.
Sure what she did was wrong but in the big scheme of things
there's lots worse that's going on and *really* hurting us
poor people. Sure I have to struggle by on about 1 billionth
of the money she has but for some reason I don't begrudge her
like I do some people (Paris Hilton springs immediately to

I'm not a slavish Martha fan, I like her show and some of
her products but that's about it. But I do feel a little
sorry for her.


Kate Connally
“If I were as old as I feel, I’d be dead already.”
Goldfish: “The wholesome snack that smiles back,
Until you bite their heads off.”
What if the hokey pokey really *is* what it's all about?