those drying mats: useful or waste of money?
On Mar 12, 1:49*pm, Janet Wilder > wrote:
> On 3/12/2013 12:21 PM, Kalmia wrote:
> > I wonder what the advantage is vs. a plain terry towel laid flat with
> > dishes on it. *Those mats are one more thing to dry itself and
> > store.
> > Anyone see any benefit to be derived?
> I use a drying mat in our little RV. *There really isn't room for a dish
> drain and the drying mat on top of the stove cover works perfectly for
> drying a few items. *Since the material in the drying mat dries quickly,
> I think it's better than putting a terry dish towel there.
> --
> Janet Wilder
> Way-the-heck-south Texas
> Spelling doesn't count. *Cooking does.
Does it dry pretty fast flat, or do you have to hang it in the air on
a hook so that both sides are exposed to the air? The last thing I
want is to hang a damp mat under my sink.