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Default Good restaurants in Auckland New Zealand

Aditya Basrur wrote:

> (Norge) wrote in message . com>...
> Cross-posting to nz.general, where you might get more responses still.
>>I wonderd if anyone know about a good, unexpensive Italian
>>restaurant in Auckland.

Italian, eh? Do the waiters surrender to you while serving up their
overpriced shitfest of a meal?

I wouldn't touch Italian even if Jesus Christ himself told me to eat it.
I'd kick that hairy jewish sadpacker in the nuts.


> Depends on what you mean by "good" and "unexpensive".
> There are plenty of Italian restaurants in Auckland. Most charge
> somewhere between $18 and $25 for a main dish. The major exception is
> "La Porchetta" (branches in Parnell and on Nelson St). You can get
> large pizzas there for about $13. The pastas are about the same price.
> I wouldn't say the standard is good - the chicken avocado tastes
> decidedly odd - but it's reasonably cheap.
> The Portofino chain (branches in Mission Bay and Parnell) is generally
> quite good too, but a fair bit more expensive. You either can't take
> your own wine or have to pay a sizeable corkage charge - I can't,
> offhand, remember which. Then there are lots of one-off type places
> littering Parnell, Ponsonby, and Mission Bay. Positano in Mission Bay
> used to be quite good (and cheaper than Portofino), but I haven't been
> for some time. There are a few places in Ponsonby which are reasonable
> too, but I honestly can't remember the names.
> Hope that helps,
> Aditya