Would You Make This? Beef & Noodle Casserole
jmcquown wrote:
> On 3/15/2013 7:15 PM, sf wrote:
> Of course I mentioned the midwest because it does seem to be casserole
> (hot dish) country. I can't say I ever ate a lot of casseroles even
> though Mom was from Ohio.
We ate them a lot and I still make them a lot. Angela loves pretty much
anything with the name casserole to it. I like them because I can assemble
the day before and they are ready to heat through. Although these days I am
likely to nuke them unless they have some sort of uncooked ingredient that
would be better when baked or if they are overly wet because the oven will
dry them out some.
I'm going to make tamale casserole tomorrow. I do that one in the oven. I
think I will bake it tomorrow night so we can eat it on Sun. and Mon. I am
only making it because I found a couple of somewhat old cans of tamales in
the cupboard. I put those in the casserole along with some chopped
tomatoes or salsa, and plenty of onions and peppers. Sometimes I also put
some kind of beans. Bake until the veggies are soft then toss on a bunch of
black olives. So sloppy but so good! I don't make this often though
because it's a PITA to take all the papers off of the tamales. And I prefer
real tamales to these but it makes for a cheap meal.