Brooklyn1 wrote:
> On Sat, 16 Mar 2013 22:18:28 -0700, "Julie Bove"
> > wrote:
>> Gary wrote:
>>> Julie Bove wrote:
>>>> I would consider lasagna to be a casserole as would a Shepard's or
>>>> cottage pie.
>>> I respectfully have to disagree with you there, Julie. I see what
>>> you are saying....all cooked in a deep dish but I would never
>>> consider lasagna to be a casserole. Not even cottage pie.
>>> G.
>> I looked up the definition of a casserole awhile back. It said that
>> it generally contains a starch, a protein and a sauce.
> If you actually looked up "casserole" you'd have supplied the URL...
> you did not... casserole is a cooking *method*.
Here's the exact link I posted befo
Said it can be a side dish and it lists some specific foods. Lasagna and
Sherperd's Pie are casseroles.