A Chopped Salad
"Mike Pearce" writes:
>"PENMART01" wrote:
>> There is nothing you can chop/slice quicker with a food processor that I
>> do quicker and better with a knife.... remember, ya still gotta prep the
>> make it fit that teensy hole, and clean up.
>> >Also, I've never found a better way to make
>> >large quantities of fine bread crumbs than using the steel blade in the
>> >FP.
>> A meat grinder does a far superior job, also FASTER.
>> Naturally a food processor is incapable of grinding meat, or anything
>I cant remember the last time I used my food processor for anything other
>than making mayonnaise. It is pretty good for that.
So is a $5 tag sale blender.
---= BOYCOTT FRENCH--GERMAN (belgium) =---
---= Move UNITED NATIONS To Paris =---
"Life would be devoid of all meaning were it without tribulation."