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jmcquown[_2_] jmcquown[_2_] is offline
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Default No corned beef for me

On 3/18/2013 6:39 PM, Nancy Young wrote:
> I went to Costco today and one of the things on my list was
> corned beef. Looked everywhere it could possibly be, no luck.
> Asked the butcher, they were wiped out yesterday. Darn.
> Now I have cabbage and potatoes all ready to go and they'll
> stay that way until I pick up some corned beef at the supermarket.

You could make Colcannon I'd miss the corned beef though.

> I left town for a week, I get back, and what has happened at
> Costco? They moved stuff around. They only can move items around
> so much, the food section is the same, just what is in the aisles
> used to be in the next aisle. Took me a while to find the mayo.

No Costco here but it irritates me when they rearrange grocery stores.
Just when you get used to where everything is, *wham*. They do it
again. Cut it out!

> That should be my biggest problem in life, right?
> nancy

I'd say it's a pretty big problem. Gotta have the corned beef fix at
least once a year!
