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Default A Pie's Tale (long)

Wayne wrote:
[story snipped]

> Mrs. Flora Hale's Chess Pie
> 2 cups granulated sugar
> 1 tablespoon corn meal
> 1 tablespoon all-purpose flour
> 6 egg yolks
> 1 12oz can evaporated milk
> 1 tablespoon vanilla extract
> ¼ pound unsalted butter, melted
> sprinkling of nutmeg
> 1 unbaked deep 9-inch pie shell
> Adjust oven rack to its lowest position and preheat oven to 425°F.
> Combine sugar, corn meal, and flour in a medium bowl. Gradually blend in
> egg yolks and evaporated milk using a fork or whisk. Do not beat the
> mixture, but blend thoroughly and gently. Blend in vanilla, followed by
> the melted butter and nutmeg. Do not sprinkle nutmeg on top.
> Pour filling into pie shell. If you have a pie shield, use it. If not,
> cover edge of pastry with foil. Bake for 15 minutes, then lower
> temperature to 375°F. Make a foil tent to cover entire pie and continue
> baking for an additional 40-45 minutes until top is puffed and golden
> brown, and a silver knife comes out clean when inserted in middle of pie.
> Remove pie to a cooling rack and allow to cool to almost room temperature
> before serving. Leftovers should be stored in refrigerator.
> Notes: Due to the high sugar and fat content, it is imperative to shield
> the entire pie during baking. The pie will overbrown or even burn if not
> shielded.
> This is a very sweet and very rich pie. If this doesn't appeal to you,
> please don't make it. Serve small pieces, as it is difficult to eat much
> of this at one time. Some versions of chess pie use whole eggs instead
> of just the yolks. This will work, but the texture will not be as smooth
> or as delicate. If you feel the need to do so, use 3 whole eggs instead
> of 6 yolks.

Instead of using the pie shield and/or foil, and messing with the oven
temperature, try mixing the filling in a heavy saucepan instead of a
bowl. Cook slowly, mixing constantly, until you sense that it's about
to thicken. The color kind of changes slightly, and it should be
uncomfortably warm when you dip your little finger in it. Pour the
hot-but-not-set filling into a half-baked pie shell and bake at about
375 until the top starts to puff -- maybe 20 minutes.

That's how I do pecan pies.
