What is Old Bay Seasoning
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Posts: 163
What is Old Bay Seasoning
On 3/23/2013 10:09 PM,
> On Mar 23, 6:34 pm, Hench > wrote:
>> I don't know what the heck this is. I'm under the assumption it's some
>> Brand Name of pre-mixed herbs or seasoning from the USA. It has come up
>> a bunch of times in meat recipes from American based websites.
>> What is it, and how can I make it at home from my spice rack...
>> Anyone heard of this stuff?
> Old Bay is not sold in Canada?
Not from what I see but I live in a small town. I've never looked for
it though. It may be available at Walmart as they are an American company.
I only come across it when I search online for meat recipes.
I've always used Montreal Chicken Spice in it's place but it sounds like
the two are not close at all.
If it's for seafood as people say it is I may give it a shot!
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