What is Old Bay Seasoning
On Mon, 25 Mar 2013 19:19:54 -0400, Cheryl >
> On 3/24/2013 2:58 PM, Janet Wilder wrote:
> > On 3/24/2013 11:41 AM, sf wrote:
> >> On Sun, 24 Mar 2013 11:40:24 -0500, Janet Wilder
> >> > wrote:
> >>
> >>> On 3/23/2013 9:43 PM, Polly Esther wrote:
> >>>> I looked for my tin of Old Bay. ? Must have given it to the
> >>>> grandchildren for storing fossils or other treasures. Old Bay is for
> >>>> yankees - that is - everyone living north of Florida. The rest of us
> >>>> use the real thing which is made by Zatarain's. 'They say' they play
> >>>> jazz in their kitchens so the seasonings come out just right. I
> >>>> believe. Polly
> >>>
> >>> When steaming blue crabs, it has to be Old Bay. Zatarains is good for
> >>> shrimp and crawfish, though I find it a bit too salty for my taste.
> >>
> >> How much do you use? Salt is never an issue, AFAIC.... but I don't
> >> steam, I boil (with lemons).
> >>
> >
> > If I use the same amount of Zaterains to boil shrimp as I would use Old
> > Bay, the Zaterains is too salty. I switched back to Old Bay. I think
> > it's a bit less overpowering to the shrimp, as well. You many recall I
> > am not a fan of hot pepper.
> >
> Northerners might be right. I'm in MD and we put Old Bay on all
> crustaceans. Then again I don't eat crawfish, but I know it's popular
> here as many seafood restaurants have it on the menu. It can't be beat
> on shrimp in my opinion. I only ask for medium seasoning because I can't
> eat a lot of hot, and even Old Bay is salty.
Maybe it's the native Northerner in me that chose Old Bay over
Zatarain's because neither one was from my up bringing, so the adult
in me made the choice. In any case, whatever salt there is didn't
bother me when son used OB straight on pork chops for seasoning. It
was the entire mix of herbs that didn't sit right with me on pork. I
don't need/want that many flavors on a hunk of meat. In any case, I
think I must use more water than normal, because as I said before salt
isn't an issue for me. Also, that stuff goes into the water and the
coruscations boil up with it (with lemons), I don't sprinkle it over
them after they come out.
I wouldn't order anything in a restaurant that claimed to use Old Bay
or Zatarain's as their seasoning. It's as bad as using "seasoned
salt". I can shake on a can of something onto food myself, I don't
need to pay someone to do it for me. I also have no idea what you
mean when you say - "medium seasoning", what's that?
Food is an important part of a balanced diet.