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Default softening brown sugar

On Mar 26, 12:43*am, "Tom Del Rosso" >
> The method I learned from mom was to put a slice of bread in the bag. *Here
> and there they say to use a slice of apple, but I don't always have apples.
> Usually not in fact.
> The bread always got dry and not moldy, until the latest instance in which
> the bread got green mold. *Fortunately there was not much sugar left, but
> maybe that was the reason, since it didn't absorb all the bread's moisture.
> Is apple really better, and can't it get moldy too? *Shouldn't a small wad
> of damp paper towel work, in theory?

Just store your brown sugar in an airtight container such as
Tupperware and never worry about hard brown sugar again.