softening brown sugar
"Tom Del Rosso" > wrote in message
> The method I learned from mom was to put a slice of bread in the bag.
> Here and there they say to use a slice of apple, but I don't always have
> apples. Usually not in fact.
> The bread always got dry and not moldy, until the latest instance in which
> the bread got green mold. Fortunately there was not much sugar left, but
> maybe that was the reason, since it didn't absorb all the bread's
> moisture.
> Is apple really better, and can't it get moldy too? Shouldn't a small wad
> of damp paper towel work, in theory?
I only buy brown sugar when I need it. And I try to buy a small quantity.
These days we have thick plastic zippered bags. If it doesn't already come
in such a bag, you can transfer it to one of those. It usually won't get
hard if you put it in one of those. If it does, to me it's no big deal.
You can either grate it or leave it in the bag and whack it with a hammer.
The brown sugar of my childhood was always hard. Came in a box with a wax
paper liner. Was often hard when you bought it. No big deal. I just used
it hard. You can buy some sort of disc to put in there. I've never tried
I wouldn't personally put anything in with my brown sugar. I just see no