On Mar 25, 10:03*am, Janet Bostwick > wrote:
> Does no one here cook any of the various curries or eat curry? *What
> about our Brit friends?
> I get the impression that here curry is thought of as one flavor and
> one dish. *And that the jar in the grocery store labeled 'curry
> powder' is the only flavor of curry.
> Anyone?
We can make and have made curries from Kolkata to Kota Kinabalu. At
the moment, we have both whole and powdered cloves, cinnamon, cumin,
coriander, and cardamom. Also fenugreek, asoefatida, turmeric, and
powdered chilis. We use fresh ginger and chilis, and we have turmeric
and galangal growing on the patio, along with a curry leaf tree and a
Kaffir lime.