On Tue, 26 Mar 2013 09:02:53 -0700 (PDT), spamtrap1888
> wrote:
> On Mar 25, 10:03*am, Janet Bostwick > wrote:
> > Does no one here cook any of the various curries or eat curry? *What
> > about our Brit friends?
> > I get the impression that here curry is thought of as one flavor and
> > one dish. *And that the jar in the grocery store labeled 'curry
> > powder' is the only flavor of curry.
> > Anyone?
> We can make and have made curries from Kolkata to Kota Kinabalu. At
> the moment, we have both whole and powdered cloves, cinnamon, cumin,
> coriander, and cardamom. Also fenugreek, asoefatida, turmeric, and
> powdered chilis. We use fresh ginger and chilis, and we have turmeric
> and galangal growing on the patio, along with a curry leaf tree and a
> Kaffir lime.
There's my entire point in a nutshell. Not particularly interested in
Indian curries and I don't want to stock up on spices I will rarely
use (like maybe once and never again) because I have enough of the
other stuff that I do use all the time.
Food is an important part of a balanced diet.