Nut prices.
In article >, Tracy > wrote:
> On 3/26/2013 4:05 AM, Julie Bove wrote:
> > Maybe I've just been spoiled. I loved my health food store. Not only did
> > they have the freshest popcorn and nuts but the best prices! I'd been
> > buying sprouted walnuts. They do cost a bit more but I like them for eating
> > as is. But the health food store as it was, is no more. The owner has moved
> > it to her house but I've yet to get out there. I don't think she is selling
> > much in the way of food and mostly has supplements. I do take supplements
> > but rarely bought those from her.
> >
> > Anyway... I recently bought walnuts at two different stores and were
> > shocked at the prices. These were neither organic nor sprouted and one was
> > a store brand. And they cost a lot more than I'd been paying at my health
> > food store.
> >
> > So... Have nut prices gone way up recently? Or was I just a lucky duck in
> > getting cheap prices at the health food store?
> >
> >
> You don't say how much you paid.
> I can get a three pound bag of almonds at Costco for $12.99. About a
> year ago or so, the same bag was $9.99. I don't remember how much the
> walnuts or pecans cost - but I do believe the price is better than the
> regular supermarket, which can be around $7 per pound.
> Tracy
One would suggest the farmers market (I get them for $3-5/lb and often
less), but Julie who lives in the land of abundance just can't find one