Janet Bostwick wrote:
> On Wed, 27 Mar 2013 00:21:23 -0700, sf > wrote:
>>On Tue, 26 Mar 2013 12:46:43 -0600, Janet Bostwick
> wrote:
>>> I would have thought that it would be difficult to grow galangal and
>>> turmeric in a pot, but then I also would have thought ginger
>>> difficult. Do you start from rhizomes? Where do you get them? Tell
>>> more.
>>Rhizomes are easy to grow and hard to kill... if you've ever planted
>>Calla lilies or potatoes, you'd know.
> I'm sorry I wasn't specific. I was referring to space needed in a pot
> to grow some decent sized rhizomes. I probably know more about
> growing stuff than you do. I don't know why you are so touchy, I
> didn't challenge you to explain your growing abilities. In fact, I
> don't recall anyone in this thread demanding anything of you. I do
> recall you calling people snobs if they wanted to work from scratch.
> Opt out of this thread if you are unhappy with it. I am enjoying the
> input and learning from it.
> Janet US
Well that was me referring to "grind your own spices snobs" who
certainly do exist. I was thinking of the full range of people's
curry orientations, with fully ignorant at one extreme and the
people who grind their own spices *and* are snobs about it at the
other. Actually I didn't think it through very carefully -- should
have put grow-their-own-spices-snobs at the tippy top. I don't mean
to suggest that making things from scratch implies snobbery. To me
it is all about what's worth the effort to an individual and that
depends mostly on taste, and snobbery is an independent variable.
People are either snobs or not and the subject matter is irrelevant -
the things snobs aren't snobs about (because they can't be for whatever
reason) are "not important" to them. etc etc