On 27/03/2013 2:16 PM, tert in seattle wrote:
> Well that was me referring to "grind your own spices snobs" who
> certainly do exist. I was thinking of the full range of people's
> curry orientations, with fully ignorant at one extreme and the
> people who grind their own spices *and* are snobs about it at the
> other. Actually I didn't think it through very carefully -- should
> have put grow-their-own-spices-snobs at the tippy top. I don't mean
> to suggest that making things from scratch implies snobbery.
Oh. That's the way it came across. Lots of us use various spice mixtures
rather than buying and using individual spices and preparing them
properly. Learning to toast and grind spices as part of the process just
makes them better cooks than you. It does not make them snobs.
To me
> it is all about what's worth the effort to an individual and that
> depends mostly on taste, and snobbery is an independent variable.
Oh. People who have a taste, or a sense of taste, are snob?
> People are either snobs or not and the subject matter is irrelevant -
> the things snobs aren't snobs about (because they can't be for whatever
> reason) are "not important" to them. etc etc
On other words.... people whose knowledge and skills are better than
your own are snobs.