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jmcquown[_2_] jmcquown[_2_] is offline
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Default Chicken Luncheon Meat

On 4/1/2013 1:39 AM, Julie Bove wrote:
> "Sqwertz" > wrote in message
> ...
>> On Sun, 31 Mar 2013 20:33:59 -0700, Julie Bove wrote:
>>> "Sqwertz" > wrote in message
>>> ...
>>>> On Sat, 30 Mar 2013 21:56:23 -0700, Julie Bove wrote:
>>>>> I spotted this today at Dollar Tree. I was there mainly buying stuff
>>>>> for
>>>>> the food bank. And no, I didn't buy them this. I thought that might
>>>>> be
>>>>> too
>>>>> cruel. Anyway... These were small, rectangular cans like Spam or
>>>>> Treet
>>>>> but
>>>>> smaller than those brands. I was slightly tempted to buy a can and
>>>>> bring
>>>>> it
>>>>> home to inspect it but it didn't look like something that Angela would
>>>>> eat.
>>>> Who cares if she'll eat it. Buy it for yourself and stop coddling
>>>> her. And if you don't like it (highly possible) give it to the cat.
>>>> As long as it's not made from mechanically separated chicken it
>>>> shouldn't be too bad. Can't be any worse than SPAM.
>>> I wouldn't eat it either even if I could eat chicken. Which I can't.
>>> Cats
>>> won't eat chicken either. They'll only eat tuna. It looked akin to SPAM
>>> which I hate! I am not much of meat eater at all. And I certainly would
>>> never eat that.

>> Wow, you're good. You even somehow managed to instill your psychotic
>> food preferences and tolerances into your cats.
>> You know, for somebody who can't eat practically any normal foods, you
>> really shouldn't claim to be "above" eating anything "even if you
>> could". Which kinda sheds even more doubt on all these questionable
>> food intolerances of yours - that they are more a product of your [not
>> so] subconscious than actual reality.
>> -sw

> I eat perfectly normal foods. I tend to eat whole foods and not a lot of
> processed ones. My food intolerances are not questionable and chicken is
> one of them. And I sure am "above" eating some things.

You don't eat a lot of processed foods yet you talk about canned chili
as if everyone should love brand XYZ. Really? You think that stuff is

From what I gather, basically what you eat is rice and beans. Don't
forget the popcorn! Or you eat out in "Mexican" restaurants. Have you
ever posted a recipe for something you've actually cooked *and* liked?
I'd Google but it would just come up with a bunch of what you don't
like. (sigh)

I agree with Steve, you really should stop catering to your kid. She'll
expect to be a "princess" (heh!) when she grows up. Face it, no one
else is going to put up with her. She'll wind up living with you for
the rest of your life. Perhaps that is your goal. It's apparent your
husband takes jobs as far away from both of you as possible. I don't
have to wonder why.
