Brooklyn1 wrote:
> On Mon, 25 Mar 2013 11:03:08 -0600, Janet Bostwick
> > wrote:
>> Does no one here cook any of the various curries or eat curry? What
>> about our Brit friends?
>> I get the impression that here curry is thought of as one flavor and
>> one dish. And that the jar in the grocery store labeled 'curry
>> powder' is the only flavor of curry.
>> Anyone?
> I've tried Indian restaurants several times, from plain vanilla to
> fancy $chmancy ones... curry was always swimming in fat... I'm just
> not impressed with Indian cookery, portions were very small and
> seasoning too nebulous/indicernable... doesn't really have a
> particular flavor, like someone tossed in so many spices they made
> mud.
Fine! You are not invited for curry or "curry"! I cooked Indian
food A LOT in the 1970s, so much that I then was thoroughly sick
of it for a LONG time. NOW I am very much back into Indian food.
Yum. I think it can be VERY healthful, and many dishes (not
speaking of desserts) are naturally low carb too.
Jean B.