On 4/2/2013 7:46 AM, Jim Elbrecht wrote:
> On Mon, 01 Apr 2013 18:45:53 -0400, Cheryl >
> wrote:
>> On 4/1/2013 1:23 PM, Sqwertz wrote:
>>> On Mon, 1 Apr 2013 15:37:46 +0100, Ophelia wrote:
>>>> When I was as a child the only time I saw chicken was at Christmas dinner
>>> In several areas of the U.S. chickens have been so domesticated that
>>> they run wild. They do seem to stick around the areas in which they
>>> were raised, so all it takes is a couple negligent and inconsiderate
>>> neighbors to start an uncaged flock that runs rampant.
>>> -sw
>> Someone in my neighborhood keeps some. This is the city, not Washington
>> or Baltimore, but still city. I've seen their chickens on the side of
>> the road sometimes because I guess they have a hard time containing
>> them. Unfortunately I saw a dead one that had been hit by a car, too.
> Do you have a Guyanese population? [or another ethnic group used to
> fresh chickens] One nearby city banned them and another made
> allowances-- but the first generation Guyanese here like their
> chickens *real* fresh.
> We've even got a live poultry market now-
> http://www.timesunion.com/local/arti...eed-545694.php
> Jim
Not that I know of. In this part of the county I live in I can't really
think of an ethnic group with a large population, such as Montgomery
County with Asians and Hispanics making up a large part of the population.
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