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jmcquown[_2_] jmcquown[_2_] is offline
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Default Chicken Luncheon Meat

On 4/1/2013 9:55 PM, wrote:
> On Apr 1, 5:02 pm, "Julie Bove" > wrote:
>> Because *I* am a diabetic, that limited
>> where they could send him. There had to be medical for me nearby.

> No pun intended, but that's excuse is PURE baloney. There is
> _always_ medical help nearby for serving members a-n-d their
> families. So your excuse doesn't wash.

Yep, pretty lame. Even when my Dad was in Vietnam (the conflict, not
just the country) he had access to medical care. No, they don't send
families into war zones. That's the *only* time we didn't move right
along with my dad. Living on base, off base, doesn't matter. You need
a doctor? I'm pretty sure there's probably one in town. This isn't the
wild wild west in 1858 with only one doctor within 150 miles on horseback.

I'm 98% sure the U.S. military doesn't say, "Oh, gee, his wife has
diabetes so we *can't* transfer him to..." [fill in the blank]. It
simply doesn't work that way.

Sounds to me like the man simply doesn't want to live with her and her
medical neuroses. The military is giving him a bonus: he gets to eat
whatever he wants.
