"Julie Bove" > wrote in message
> "Ophelia" > wrote in message
> ...
>> "Janet" > wrote in message
>> T...
>>> In article >, says...
>>>> My husband is in NY now because he had to get a job right away. He is
>>>> retired now and has not gotten the VA pay. So he had to do something.
>>>> He
>>>> could not find a good paying job here right away. Jobs are tough here.
>>> Since September? Have you seen any written confirmation?
>>> Most people/ employers/large organisations arranging a planned-date
>>> retirement, have time to ensure in advance that all records are up to
>>> date the necessary paperwork is signed off and the pension arrangements
>>> all set up and ready to go.
>> Ahhh the expert on international employment law speaks
> The law doesn't seem to apply to government workers here. I was once a
> government worker. Not making minimum wage. Not given any breaks.
> Sometimes working 12 shifts. I took the job less for the money and more
> for something to do. Jobs were very hard to come by on Cape Cod.
> Especially in the area where I lived.
Take no notice of people who think they know everything! As you can see ...
they don't.