Followup: How to peel garlic
On Apr 4, 5:03*pm, sf > wrote:
> On Thu, 4 Apr 2013 11:05:25 -0700 (PDT), Silvar Beitel
> > wrote:
> > OK. *Taking this to the limit:
> > Went and found an old large plastic pill bottle, about 3 inches tall
> > and 1 1/2 inches in diameter. *Put in 3 ceramic pie weights.
> > Put in two medium cloves of garlic. *Held it between thumb and fingers
> > and shook it hard, counting to ten.
> > Emptied contents into palm of hand. *Removed two clean whole cloves of
> > garlic and set them aside. *Removed the pie weights, put them back in
> > the bottle for next time, put the bottle in the kitchen tool drawer,
> > and tossed the remaining papery stuff in the compost bin.
> > Faster than my/our old/usual smash-with-the-knife-and-pick-out-the-
> > bits technique and results in whole cloves (admittedly, not important
> > in most cases, but good to know when it is.) *No garlic juice/smell
> > either, for those that care.
> > Tried it again with one small clove. *Same good results.
> > I'm sold. *Pill bottle with pie weights has been added to my kitchen
> > tool collection.
> Sounds good to me! *Thanks for taking the time to experiment. *Now,
> how are you going to use whole cloves of garlic?
Mostly, I wouldn't - I'd chop, crush, grate, mince, etc. them. Maybe
40 Cloves of Garlic Chicken or some other recipe where you insert
whole cloves of garlic into meat.
Or maybe I'll just keep a few in my pocket to chew on to keep the
paparazzi and vampires away (or is it werewolves, I just can't keep up
with pop culture :-) )
Silvar Beitel