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Silvar Beitel[_3_] Silvar Beitel[_3_] is offline
external usenet poster
Posts: 189
Default Senior grocery discounts?

A blurb in the April 2013 AARP Bulletin:

"Many supermarkets offer discounts - typically 5 to 10 percent off
your grocery tab - for customers 55-plus who shop on a specific day of
the week, often Tuesday or Wednesday. Promotions vary, so ask ahead.
Participating chains include Albertson's, Bashas', HI-LO, Food Lion,
Fred Meyer, Fry's, Hy-Vee, Kroger, Meijer, Pathmark, Piggly Wiggly and

Never heard of that before. (None of those stores are around here (MA/
NH border), and none of the stores that *are* around here have a
senior discount. (I think, but I'll ask next time!) )

Do any of you geezers get a senior discount where you shop?

Silvar Beitel