Ed Pawlowski wrote:
> On Fri, 05 Apr 2013 22:12:47 -0700, sf > wrote:
> >Even worse, we have to wait until 65 to draw full social security.
> You must be older than me. After a birth date of 1937 is it climbing
> steadily. 1943 to 1954 group had to wait to 66. Born 1960 or later
> it is 67.
I was born in 1953.
I can retire at 62 but the monthly payment would be a joke.
My full retirement is age 66.
Ultimate SS retirement for me is age 70.
At that age I'll get the maximum per month and no penalty for working.
I'm 3 months away from turning age 60.
I still feel young (somewhat). Still feel good and I actually seem to be in
better shape than many younger guys I work with. ??? I plan to work until
age 70, at least.
You never know though.... my health could go all to hell in the next 10
years. Hopefully not.