Responding to a 4-month old thread and I offer you a "Julie-length" post.
On Dec.12, 2012 Gary wrote:
> sf wrote:
> >
> > I don't know if the Ninja would powder Ferret food or not. You have
> > two weeks to return it to Target and I don't think you need an excuse.
> Thanks Barbara. Actually I'm going to buy one and keep it whether or not it
> does the ferret food. It sounds handy to have in the kitchen.
My 20 year old Krups coffee grinder finally broke about 2 weeks ago. It had
one long blade (like an airplane propellar) and one half broke off. It still
works but is very noisy now. Guess because it's out of balance. Oddly, it
works quicker and better now with only half the blade. I'm sure its time is
limited though so I needed a replacement to have on hand.
So I finally did "the dreaded shopping trip." I had to drive a whole 2
miles to get to Target. Then I think I had to walk another 2 miles just in
the giant store. Gasp! It was tough to do but I had stalled long enough.
Their one and only coffee grinder was too much for my needs. Electronic
settings for grinds, etc when all I need is a button to hold down to powder
the stuff. More expensive than the Krups too.
But I remembered this thread where a few people were praising that cute mini
food processor/chopper for only $19.95.... the Ninja. I wanted to buy one
anyway so I did finally buy one while I was there.
It's amazing! I got it home and tried it out immediately just to make sure
it worked (and not a defective one). No food to chop at the moment so I went
ahead and tried it using the dry ferret food. It powdered that dry food in
seconds. Just a few short pulses.
The other day, I was making some spaghetti sauce and used it for onion,
tomato and green pepper. About a 1 second pulse for each veggie did it and
the cleanup of the machine was easy.
I'll also use this to finally try a hamburger made from 1/4lb of ribeye
steak. It might be different from a meat grinder but it should suffice. A
meat grinder would be nice to have and Sheldon recommended a nice one but
not cost effective as little as I would use one.
Bottom line: For $20, I seem to now have a 3-in-one kitchen appliance. I
like it.