On 4/7/2013 7:11 AM, Gary wrote:
> Responding to a 4-month old thread and I offer you a "Julie-length" post.
> On Dec.12, 2012 Gary wrote:
>> sf wrote:
>>> I don't know if the Ninja would powder Ferret food or not. You have
>>> two weeks to return it to Target and I don't think you need an excuse.
>> Thanks Barbara. Actually I'm going to buy one and keep it whether or not it
>> does the ferret food. It sounds handy to have in the kitchen.
> My 20 year old Krups coffee grinder finally broke about 2 weeks ago. It had
> one long blade (like an airplane propellar) and one half broke off. It still
> works but is very noisy now. Guess because it's out of balance. Oddly, it
> works quicker and better now with only half the blade. I'm sure its time is
> limited though so I needed a replacement to have on hand.
> So I finally did "the dreaded shopping trip." I had to drive a whole 2
> miles to get to Target. Then I think I had to walk another 2 miles just in
> the giant store. Gasp! It was tough to do but I had stalled long enough.
> Their one and only coffee grinder was too much for my needs. Electronic
> settings for grinds, etc when all I need is a button to hold down to powder
> the stuff. More expensive than the Krups too.
> But I remembered this thread where a few people were praising that cute mini
> food processor/chopper for only $19.95.... the Ninja. I wanted to buy one
> anyway so I did finally buy one while I was there.
> It's amazing! I got it home and tried it out immediately just to make sure
> it worked (and not a defective one). No food to chop at the moment so I went
> ahead and tried it using the dry ferret food. It powdered that dry food in
> seconds. Just a few short pulses.
> The other day, I was making some spaghetti sauce and used it for onion,
> tomato and green pepper. About a 1 second pulse for each veggie did it and
> the cleanup of the machine was easy.
> I'll also use this to finally try a hamburger made from 1/4lb of ribeye
> steak. It might be different from a meat grinder but it should suffice. A
> meat grinder would be nice to have and Sheldon recommended a nice one but
> not cost effective as little as I would use one.
> Bottom line: For $20, I seem to now have a 3-in-one kitchen appliance. I
> like it.
> G.
Sears has the type of Cuisinart grinder that I have used for many
years, selling for $20.
Jim Silverton (Potomac, MD)
Extraneous "not" in Reply To.