Thread: Durian
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Ema Nymton Ema Nymton is offline
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Default Durian

On 4/6/2013 1:22 PM, Janet wrote:

>> I wonder sometimes what on earth made people taste something that smells
>> so bad. By all accounts it is delicious but it sounds like a case of,
>> "Hey, Kam, I dare you to take a bite out of this!"

> Well, whoever first looked at a live lobster or prawn or raw egg and
> thought "mmmmmm, I bet that tastes good ".
> Janet UK

Ha-ha. Raw chitlins smell really bad, but people cooked it and ate it,
including my family. A friend asked me to smell something, but my
sinuses were so bad, I could not smell a thing. She said I was perfect
to do brain surgery, because they smell so rotten (she was a surgeon).

About 35 people from the newsgroup houston.eats, ate at a Vietnamese
restaurant, and a waiter passed around a tray of small Durian cubes on
toothpicks, so everyone could try it. Yes, it smelled bad, but it tasted
pretty good, like very sweet peaches.
