"Damsel in dis Dress" &"The Hacketts" <
: wrote:
: >Please let me know when you have some pictures posted of the
: >great event that I missed...!
: Well, the place was a madhouse, so everyone forgot to take
: Ariane has a few. Mostly of her sister sleeping, or taken at
the Spam
: Museum. No pictures of the food at all. We'd have needed a
: camera to capture it all, anyway.
: CYNDI: The Hackett woman had the sheer audacity to move to
Florida, just
: because her husband got a job there. So she wasn't in
attendance, and that
: woman makes some killer brownies!
: There are a number of great stories that I could tell, but I
won't in order
: to protect the innocent. Wait. I don't think anyone there was
: Hmmmm.
: Carol
Let the record show that I did not move willingly (well... maybe
a little bit).
I am still so bummed that I couldn't attend.
Presuming I do host one down here late 05 or early 06 we will
heaven and earth to get you and Crash down here and I do promise
provide lots of BROWNIES!!
(Walking in and donated to the American Heart Walk:
http://tinyurl.com/493qm )