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Tracy[_2_] Tracy[_2_] is offline
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Default Ready-to-eat hard cooked eggs OR I never knew abt such things..

On 4/8/2013 12:45 PM, Kalmia wrote:
> A neighbor called - she'd left some perishables on the counter in
> haste to leave the house ( blame the kids) and would I go over and
> rescue said food. (Another good reason to leave a key with
> someone..they weren't coming back for many days or even a week.)
> I found a bag of Eggland's ready to eat hardcooked-- - 6 eggs for
> heaven knows what price. I never knew such a thing was available.
> Between stuff like that, the cooked bacon..........those who can
> afford em and/or are lazy hardly need to own an effing stove.

I saw in the grocery store the other day - a deviled egg kit. It was a
plastic tray filled with halved hard-cooked eggs and pastry bag already
filled and ready to go. I wish I paid enough attention to see how much
it was selling for. It might have been about a dozen eggs.

There might have been something else in there too - maybe some paprika
for sprinkling.
