Michael Plant wrote:
> Undoubtedly they will be a chain, as the site says. Quality no,
> quantity yes. Time is money. Let's hear it for corporate profits. Hype. Pass
> this one by folks.
But they offer nothing less than instant enlightenment:
"The tea menu features...power teas, 'new styles of tea which allow for
tea moments to calm or excite'..."
In a welcoming, amusement-park environment:
"The fun theme of the shops is continued in the retails shelves’ stock
of wacky novelty teapots, fun infusers, and other bits and pieces of tea
equipage including Ch’a mugs with logo, insulated travel mugs, and fun
And we'll have fun fun fun now that daddy took the T-Bird away...
> 7/20/04
> > "Chenping Tsou" > wrote in message
> > >...
> >> Hi All
> >>
> >> I have read from the following article and just wondering if anyone around
> >> Lodon has been Cha, see the T-Bird in work and give some comment here.
> >>
> >> http://www.teaandcoffee.net/0300/tea.htm
> >
> >
> > I'd wonder about it just because it sounds like they're using one
> > temperature of water..boiling...for everything including greens.
> > However I like the idea of tea places that aren't all frilly and
> > dainty and such...I never feel completely comfortable in places like
> > that. It would be nice to have places to just lounge if one wanted to.
> > Starbucks is a pretty cookie-cutter outfit, it is true, but at least
> > you can relax there and just read a book or whatever.
> > I also wonder what's wrong with just a teapot instead of a new
> > contraption like that machine they have. I'd have to taste the tea
> > made from it though to really make up my mind definitively. If it
> > really is better, then viva la innovation!
> >
> > Melinda