Vegetable soup came out well!
"Brooklyn1" > wrote in message
> On Tue, 9 Apr 2013 11:25:13 -0700, "Julie Bove"
> > wrote:
>>"Sqwertz" > wrote in message
>>> On Mon, 8 Apr 2013 18:52:10 -0700, Julie Bove wrote:
>>>> But I managed to break the stove in making the stock for it. I don't
>>>> know
>>>> what I did. Well, I wasn't paying attention to the stock, that's for
>>>> sure.
>>>> Some of it boiled over and this meant that I needed to let the burner
>>>> cool,
>>>> open the top of the stove and clean it. Fine but... Then the rods
>>>> wouldn't
>>>> go back down! Long story short, I ripped the rods off in frustration
>>>> and
>>>> I
>>>> think something got pushed up towards the back. Am awaiting a call
>>>> from
>>>> the
>>>> repair person because between me and the Internet, this is beyond me.
>>>> Stove
>>>> and over do work but something is acropper with the top of it.
>>> Yeah, when you rip off the support pegs that hold the stove top in
>>> place, then you should expect something like that to happen.
>>> Why would you do such a thing? Didn't you suspect they were there for
>>> a reason?
>>The first one *fell* off. I put it back on and then the second one *fell*
>>off. That's when I just ripped the other one off out of frustration.
>>shouldn't have prevented the top from closing. They're just there to prop
>>it open just like the thingie on the hood of your car! The top still
>>wouldn't close with those not on there. Hence the problem.
> Somewhere there would be a latch to release the support rods so the
> stove top can be closed... works kind of like an old time automobile
> hood. With some I've seen you need to grab the stove top with a hand
> on each side while squeezing the rods to unlatch them, then lower it
> and pull your fingers out before you snap the top shut. The
> instructions would be in the Owner's Manual... and if you don't have a
> copy it will be on line waiting for you.
I did look it up online but for whatever reason, they were not working like
they should. Said to push them back gently. They were stuck and would not
push back.