On 04/09/2013 05:23 PM, Ozgirl wrote:
> Here is my procedure for filled omelets. Cook omelet til almost done,
> spread the filling on half, add cheese last (that helps it stick
> together) fold so top goes over edge of bottom (might need to arrange
> filling so that it is on slightly less than half. Turn heat down so
> bottom doesn't burn while filling heats and cheese melts. Use egg slice
> to lift it onto plate while lightly touching top of omelet with other
> hand (mostly so I don't lose the whole thing due to a slide). Unfilled
> omelets I don't usually fold until I am taking it out of the pan. Sauté
> ingredients in pan, spread ingredients evenly in pan, pour the egg
> mixture over top and cook until done
If I was making frittata I
> would use smaller pan and more ingredients and egg mix to make it a bit
> thicker (in height) and cook slower with a lid.
Thank you!