"Peppermint Patootie" > wrote in message

> In article >,
> "Ozgirl" > wrote:
>> If I was making frittata I
>> would use smaller pan and more ingredients and egg mix to make it a bit
>> thicker (in height) and cook slower with a lid.
> With frittata, I cook the veggies or whatever in a 10 inch cast iron
> pan, then pour the egg/cream mix on top. I let that cook a few minutes,
> then put cheese on top and slide the pan under a hot broiler for five
> minutes or so. Remove and let sit for 5 minutes, serve.
> I like to do this with mushroom and grape tomatoes especially.
> PP
I only ever tried a frittata once. Disaster! I had just seen some chef
make one on TV. I think it might have been Maryanne Esposito. Looked so
easy when she put the plate over the skillet then flipped it over and it
came right out on the plate. But when I tried it? The plate slipped, flew
away and crashed onto the floor. The frittata slipped out of the pan and
landed on my feet. So... Not so good.