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Gary Gary is offline
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Default Speaking of Discounts... any Veterans here?

sf wrote:
> I don't like to make a dinner that results in tons of leftovers. I
> make enough for hubby to have for lunch the following day, but I don't
> want to have to eat the same thing for days on end.

Whenever I cook something *good*, I have no problem with making tons of it.

That's where your freezer comes in handy (for freezable leftovers). Most of
my home cooking is on weekends and I make a LOT of whatever I'm making.
I'll eat leftovers for a day or two but then I always have more in the
freezer for a quick and easy meal down the road.

My freezer usually contains 3-4 different leftover choices. I know
Sheldon's probably does too. Just because we cook in quantity, it doesn't
mean we eat the same stuff for days in a row.
