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Gary Gary is offline
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Default Anti-stick utensils - cleans up in the dishwasher more readily?

Ed Pawlowski wrote:
> On Sat, 13 Apr 2013 07:19:53 -0400, Gary > wrote:
> >
> >Ferrets are very high maintence but they will become very loving companions,
> >each with it's own personality but for their entire life they act just like
> >small puppy dogs. They don't just want to get out of their cage, they want
> >to play with YOU too, unlike cats.

> >
> >Common myth is that they smell and make your house smell...nonsense!

> Can the be de scented or something? My son had one and the room he had
> it in smelled. Sort of a musky odor. .

All ferrets sold in the USA (from pet stores) are decented at birth. The
house smell comes from their going to the bathroom on the floor/carpet when
they are left out. They can be litter trained (to do on newspapers) but you
have to let them decide where to go.

You can't let them live free all day. Mine stay in their cage when I'm not
at home. When I let them out, I first put down about 6 newspapers in various
places. Again...they chose those places. They know now to go to one of

If your son kept his in a cage (and no pooping on floor issue), you can also
buy a food suppliment called...ummm - well I'm out of it now but it's
Bi-Odor or something like that. You add bit to their food to eliminate poop
smell. I don't use it anymore as I don't need it.

Anyway, ferrets are great companions as long as you have the time to give to
them. My only problem is that they don't live long enough and holding one
in your arms while it dies is the worst thing I've ever had to do. I've done
this twice and will have to go through it 2 more times...hopefully many
years down the road. Mine are getting up in "ferret years" though so I know
the time is coming. I see the changes in them as they age. arrrgghhh.
