Peeling hard-boiled eggs
"Ophelia" ku> wrote in message
> "Sqwertz" > wrote in message
> ...
>> On Fri, 12 Apr 2013 09:20:20 -0400, Gary wrote:
>>> Grocery store this morning and they had Manwich on sale for $1. So I
>>> took
>>> your advice and bought a can of that. I'll add some green pepper next
>>> time
>>> too. I also suspect they could use a little heat but maybe the Bold
>>> provides that. (?)
>> No heat in the "Bold version. Not that I can tell, at least. I got a
>> can of Del Monte Hickory this afternoon, which claims to be bolder
>> than the original. Will use it sometime next week.
>>> I'm also wondering if maybe some thick-sliced white mushrooms might be
>>> good.
>> That will add too much moisture if you add them to the sauce raw.
> So, is Manwich just a fancy hamburger?
No. It's ground beef mixed with a sweet tomato sauce.