"The kitchen closes at 9:30"
On 13/04/2013 5:01 PM, Nancy Young wrote:
>> not been able to go on that trip). SiL's version was "Do you know what
>> these guys did to me in Paris? We were supposed to go for a walk
>> together, but when I went down to the lobby to meet them they had
>> already gone without me." Apparently.... this was something that we
>> had done to her, and her version skipped over the fact that she had
>> wasted three days of my time on that trip, and that she had asked us to
>> wait an hour and then took 3 1/2 hours. As it turned out, she had had a
>> bath and a nap..... and had the nerve to be ****ed off at us for not
>> waiting for her......again.
> She sounds more than self-centered, she sounds she could use a checkup
> from the neck up.
I don't need to worry about it. She had estranged herself from the rest
of our family I haven't seen her for close to four years now, though
they live only a couple miles from us. But ain't it typical. I figure
that she wasted at least three days of my time on a two week trip. The
incident in Paris was the last straw. She would treat the rest of us
with so much disrespect, and keep us waiting for her so much, and her
take on it is that we did something to her. The only thing we did was to
stop wasting our time waiting for her. We only had four days in Paris
and she had wasted a day and a half of it.