On Sun, 14 Apr 2013 12:16:18 -0400, jmcquown >
> I won't be looking for cicadas even if I *did* own a deep-fryer. But
> the 17-year critters are returning again.
> I read this in another blurb from Smithsonian mag:
> http://blogs.smithsonianmag.com/food...0414-Weekender
> Tiny URL:
> http://tinyurl.com/c45kgtp
> "Think of them like “land shellfish.” Like shrimp, lobster and crabs,
> cicadas are anthropods. Gaye L. Williams, an entomologist from the
> Maryland Department of Agriculture told the Baltimore Sun: “They’re in
> the same animal group as shrimp and crabs, and people don’t think twice
> about that.” (If you’re allergic to shellfish, exercise caution when
> experimenting with cicadas)."
> Um, if I say "pass the cicadas" what I'll mean is "no thanks, I'll pass!" 
I tried fried (salted) grasshoppers once. They were kind of a
disappointment. No flavor, crispy and hollow - no yuck factor at all.
Eating shelled & salted pepitas is much more satisfying.
Food is an important part of a balanced diet.