Season brand tuna
sf wrote:
> On Mon, 15 Apr 2013 01:40:47 -0400, "Tom Del Rosso"
> > wrote:
> >
> > For years I've bought only Tonno (meaning simply tuna, so it's not
> > the brand name, but only 'Tonno' is clearly printed on the label so
> > I don't remember the brand) or Trader Joe's brand. Both are very
> > good. Cento is also about as good.
> >
> > But I just tried Season tuna. The fish is at least as good as the
> > other 3, but what stands out is that the oil is unmistakeably extra
> > virgin. Really good stuff.
> Never heard of it. Did you pick it up at your local chain grocery?
Yeah, probably Stop-n-Shop or Pathmark or Waldbaum's.
They used to advertise Season sardines on the radio 20 years ago.
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