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brooklyn1 brooklyn1 is offline
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Default How do you hold your knife?

On Tue, 16 Apr 2013 05:59:31 -0400, Ed Pawlowski > wrote:

>On Tue, 16 Apr 2013 00:45:56 -0700, "Julie Bove"
> wrote:
>>I never gave this much thought until some years ago when my dad and I were
>>watching a cooking show on PBS. I can't remember who the chef was, but it
>>was a weird vegan woman. She seemed to have odd attachments to her food.
>>She was teaching some guy to cut carrots. She had him cut them like you
>>would do for a stir fry so that there were as many exposed surfaces as
>>possible. She chastised the guy for putting his pointer finger on the back
>>side of the blade. She told him when he did this, he was allowing the knife
>>to control him and not the other way around.

She was exactly wrong... the guy wielding the knife had better control
by his method.

>Whatever works for you, but the extended finger would feel awkward to
>me. I hold the handle in the palm and one finger on either side of
>the blade where it meets the handle.

How can you have one finger on "either" side of the blade, do you have
six fingers? lol I can't visualize a finger on the front side of the
blade unless you mean your thumb... for heavier cutting with larger
knives I often choke up on the handle so that one finger and my thumb
are on the blade... offers better control and saves the wrist from
fatigue... works well for slicing cabbage, melon, winter squash, and
other large tough foods. Most oriental cooks use that grip on
oriental cleaver type knives.