How do you hold your knife?
In article >,
"Julie Bove" > wrote:
> I never gave this much thought until some years ago when my dad and I were
> watching a cooking show on PBS. I can't remember who the chef was, but it
> was a weird vegan woman. She seemed to have odd attachments to her food.
> She was teaching some guy to cut carrots. She had him cut them like you
> would do for a stir fry so that there were as many exposed surfaces as
> possible. She chastised the guy for putting his pointer finger on the back
> side of the blade. She told him when he did this, he was allowing the knife
> to control him and not the other way around.
> Well... I hold the knife like that. I have tried to do it like she said to
> but it just felt clumsy and it felt like the knife was flopping back and
> forth. Now I am watching a re-run of Joanne Weir. She has that handsome
> black fireman on for the second time. They are making paella. I have seen
> this episode before. Anyway... He holds the knife like I do and she didn't
> correct me. Guess I will have to pay more attention to chefs on TV to see
> how they do it.
> How do you hold your knife?
you can use a knife?