On 18/04/2013 3:11 AM, jmcquown wrote:
> On 4/17/2013 7:08 PM, sf wrote:
>> On Wed, 17 Apr 2013 18:27:57 -0400, Dave Smith
>> > wrote:
>>> That may be, but when I see someone with a cap on sideways, I assume
>>> they are stupid. Besides.... they must be if they think it looks good.
>> What I can't stand is adult men who should know better wearing
>> sunglasses on the back of their head.
> Like Guy Fieri? 
Between that and his stupid bling.... yeah. And that gets us back to
bad table manners. I think that we should expect cooking show hosts to
demonstrate some proper table manners that go beyond trying to show half
an oversized dripping sandwich into their mouth.